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My reference book: The crystal clear view through photo- & videography

*Only aviable in German.

I taught myself to take photos and film on my own. I spent a lot of time getting all of this knowledge. I began to write down the most important points for me early on. At some point it got so much that the idea occurred to me to write a book out of all this information. Since I work full-time as a vocational trainer in another industry and I enjoy teaching other people something that is easy to understand, I saw another reason to write this book. In 2017 I completed the SVEB 1 course "Conducting learning events with adults". This course taught me a lot about adult-specific learning and teaching, also called didactics. So I succeeded in writing a specialist book on photography and videography in a completely different way. With a personal, simple writing style, everyone will find it easy to read and understand. The book saves you a lot of your valuable time by conveying a lot of knowledge in a very compact and simple way.

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